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🎄The 12 Apps of Slackmas - Unwrapping the current Salesforce for Slack apps 🎁

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! 🎅 You must have been good this year! ✔️

Today we'll be running through a list of current apps that integrate Salesforce and Slack that are available on the Slack App Directory. Get your egg nog (whiskey?) and Christmas cookies ready... because you're in for a treat.

The list is in as close to chronological order as possible and the information is to the best of my knowledge based on usage and research. If something is incorrect please feel free to let me know. I did purposefully leave out Quip for Slack and Commerce Cloud for Slack (coming soon), focusing on what currently available on the main Salesforce Slack Integrations page here.

*Real quick, before we get into it... one more thing. Over the course of December, we'll be releasing a series of how-to guides for the first four apps on this list as part of our Slackmas Series. And we'll look to cover additional apps as we get into 2023. Alright, enough - let's go!

Clearly there are a lot of apps and a lot going on while the Salesforce and Slack integration/app strategy continues to evolve over the years. It appears to be that Salesforce is attempting to reproduce its cloud or industry-based sales strategies in its technical apps/integrations. Third-party apps are following closely and supporting both single clouds/industries as well as cross cloud/industries within a single app/integration. Salesforce or third-party, there are a ton of valuable functional apps out there that can help you increase productivity and streamline operations between Slack and Salesforce.

So... what's right for you? Where should you start for your business? Do I need Sales Cloud for Slack if I have Salesforce for Slack? Do I need Salesforce for Slack if I have Service Cloud for Slack? Should we get a third-party app? What are the differences between Service Cloud for Slack and this third-party app? 😵‍💫

👉 That's where we come in! Here at 21b we can help you work through all the questions around this and implement it! If you're interested in discussing with us, please contact us or Slack Connect us ( /!




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